It's raining in San Diego. The Chargers did nothing less than choke this game away. Kaeding missed two, usually automatic, field goals. Jackson and Floyd lost their battles going up against smaller DB's. Hardwick snapped the ball over Rivers' head early in the game. The rest of the offensive line jumped offsides (as if they were the away team) and had no success at creating anything resembling a running game. Rivers did make the rookie mistake of forcing the ball backed up in his own end zone and throwing the crucial interception. Gates dropped easy passes right in his hands. Norv did not have a game plan set up that worked against the creative blitzes of the Jets. Even the Fans choked by booing their own team early in the second half when the Chargers still had the LEAD. The pressure beat this team, not the Jets.
All the criticism of this team is right tonight. The Jets', Raiders' and Broncos' fans who love to call San Diego "chokers" are right. Rex Ryan, who wondered out loud if the Chargers are "soft" is right. Those that think Norv is not ready for prime time (his team was not ready tonight) are right.
At what point do the Chargers become the modern Cubs? San Diego fans, no matter how promising the season, are right to feel trepidation every playoff game. Who will get tight and blow it this time around? We are officially cursed. The only question now is what to call it: The San Diego Seizure? The Charger Choke?
The Chargers simply have no excuse. I feel sorry for LT who probably won't be back next year. With Merriman gone as well will this be the pinnacle of this era of the Chargers? AJ will have to work better magic than he has in the past.